About Us
Almost every commodity that we purchase or consume requires thorough checking to ensure that they are of correct weight. Be it at home or in industries, weigh scales are an essential commodity to ensure fair trade, where weighing plays an important role. Techno Scale Industries is a trusted name in providing you the world class quality weigh scales to correctly weigh your commodities.
We are a noted manufacturer, exporter and supplier of a wide range of weighing scales such as Fully Electronic Weightbridge ( Pit less), Electronics Weighbridge (Pit Type), Mechanical Weighbridge, Digital Weigh Indicator, Special Weigh Bridge, Electronic Indicator, Tin Filling System, Drum Filling System, Bag Filling System, Hopper Weighing System, Personal weighing scale etc.
The quality of our weighing scales
scores above our competitors. As we are committed to deliver the best to
our customers, all our weigh scales are available in best quality and at economical
prices. We value the feedback of
our customers and make an all out efforts to ensure that we make products to suit their specific needs and requirements.